35 Air Miles When You set Your Cash Preference
Rating: 4.5/10Category: Other Freebies
Offer valid until 11:59pm EST on July 20, 2012 to AIR MILES Collectors who are Facebook Account holders and who are fans of the AIR MILES Canada Facebook page. To qualify, visit the Fan Exclusives tab on the AIR MILES Fan Page during the offer period, “Like” the AIR MILES Canada Fan Page on Facebook, give “Permission” to Facebook, and follow the online instructions to register for the Offer and set your AIR MILES Cash balance preference to 10% or greater. You must maintain your AIR MILES Cash balance preference at 10% or greater until August 13, 2012 at 11:59pm EST. Limit of one offer per Collector Account. Reward miles will be posted to your Collector account no later than August 13, 2012.